
Introduction to ALTE and Key Concepts in Language Testing

  • 6 Jun 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Online
  • 16



This workshop provides an overview of ALTE, who we are and what we do, and what kind of support and guidance we offer our members, and what to expect from our conferences and events. It also includes an introduction to key concepts and terminology in assessment.

What knowledge and/or skills will I gain from this workshop?

After outlining the activities, committees and basic organisation of ALTE, the course focuses on basic assessment terminology and concepts in several key areas:

·       Welcome to ALTE: who we are and how we support members
·       The test development cycle & task and item design
·       Piloting, pre- and post-testing and analysis
·       External frameworks: The CEFR, and the socio-cognitive framework

Who is this workshop suitable for?

This course is intended for those individual or associate members who are new to ALTE, or new to assessment, or who are taking on an assessment focused role for the first time, or who have just joined a member organisation. No previous knowledge of assessment is required. This is an entry level workshop.

How is this workshop delivered?

This workshop is delivered online. It consists of bite-size introductory input, interactive discussions, and Q&A. The session will consist of four 1-hour sessions, with breaks in between.

Does this workshop require and specific software?

This course does not require any specific software, but it is a paper-free ‘green’ workshop, and all material will be delivered/shared online. You will need your own laptop.

Who is the tutor?

The course will be presented by Jane Lloyd (Cambridge University Press and Assessment). Jane is Senior Research Manager at Cambridge English. Her main responsibilities are leading on standard setting for Cambridge exams, working on large-scale educational reform projects with ministries and NGOs, and working for ALTE. Her work for ALTE is to support other national language test providers. This includes: statistical analysis of items, analysis of rater performance, research into exam and language use at regional and national level, courses and training in assessment, preparation for audits, and training for item writers, test designers and raters. She has a degree in Linguistics, a DELTA, an MA in Linguistics and TESOL, and an MA in Language Testing. She is currently studying for a PhD in Language Testing at CRELLA. 

Informații adiționale despre eveniment:  

Pentru înscrierea în grup, ALTE recomandă rezervarea a maximum trei locuri per instituție. 

Plata se face integral la înscriere. Plata se paote face online, cu card Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
Dacă nu puteți plăti cu un card de credit/debit, vă rugăm să contactați ALTE Services Unit: Vom emite o factură și un transfer bancar va fi posibil.

În cazul anulării cu până la o lună înainte de începerea evenimentului, va fi returnată întreaga sumă, minus o taxă de administrare de €50. Dacă ați primit manualul pentru curs, nu trebuie să îl returnați în cazul anulării participării. Dacă vă anulați participarea ulterior acestei date, returnarea taxei nu este posibilă.

Utilizarea datelor personale

Sunt de acord ca, prin accesarea butonului 'Înscriere', datele personale pe care le includ în formularul de înscriere să fie folosite și păstrate de către personalul ALTE doar pentru scopuri legate de organizarea Cursului Introductiv ALTE de testare a limbilor.

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 ALTE - Asociația Testatorilor de Limbi din Europa este o organizație caritabilă încorporată (CIO), înregistrată în Anglia, numărul asociației 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2025 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2025 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2025 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2025 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2025 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2025 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2025 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2025 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2025

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