
Registration for the ALTE 1st Digital Symposium is open!

Registration fees:                                                                            

€20 Members and non-Members of ALTE                             

*€10 Special registration fee for students

The deadline for registration is 14th April 2021.

Registration fees include:

  • access to all plenaries and parallel sessions, including workshops, panels and featured presentations
  • access to recorded plenary presentations available post event
  • access to virtual rooftop bar networking area
  • access to the Exhibition area

*This special registration fee is for students of Bachelors, Masters and PhD programmes. To benefit from this special rate, please upload evidence when asked for proof of status in the registration process. This might be a certificate issued by the University / institution, an official letter signed by a supervisor, etc.

The platform is accessed only through Chrome and will NOT work on mobile or iPad devices. Your laptop/pc will need built-in audio in order for exVo to work.

Sunt de acord ca prin faptul că apăs butonul 'Register', datele personale pe care le includ în formularul de înscriere să poată fi utilizate și pstrate de către personalul ALTE și de către All seated/ExVo numai pentru scopuri legate de organizarea simpozionului.

Cancellation Policy: Payment is in full when registering. Payment can only be made online using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card. In case of cancellation before 31st March 2021, a full refund will be available minus a €5 administration charge. Any cancellation from 1st April 2021 will forfeit the whole registration fee. 

ALTE - Asociația Testatorilor de Limbi din Europa este o asociație non-profit (CIO), înregistrată în Anglia, numărul 1184799.

Susținut de Wild Apricot Membership Software