Primul Simpozion Internațional Digital ALTE Aprilie 2021 Asigurarea Viitorului Evaluării Multilinguale în lumea Covid Primul nostru Simpozion Digital Internațional, inovativ și interesant, a avut loc în 28-30 aprilie 2021! Am abordat împreună unele dintre temele cheie relevante pentru asigurarea viitorului evaluării lingvistice, în contexte multilingve, în timpul Covid și post-Covid. Ne-am întâlnit în cea mai inovativă platformă VR pentru conferințe, pentru a susține comunitatea și a îmbunătăți interactivitatea. |
Discussing the most relevant topics for language assessment The Digital Symposium gives language assessment practitioners and researchers the opportunity to discuss and share ideas about the most important and relevant issues in our field: ones connected to technology such as online testing, automarking, video call tests, remote proctoring, eye-tracking and gamification, but also other key issues such as the CEFR, social justice, migration and dealing with GDPR. |
Using the most innovative platform to share ideas ALTE events are often praised for the ability to network, and it was important to find a virtual platform which prioritises the need for a sense of community, interaction and engagement. Our symposium uses the Allseated exVo platform to create a true conference experience, and will feature different events in different formats to engage participants with a memorable conference. You'll need to use Google Chrome to access the platform. |
Find out more and register! Find out more information about the plenary speakers and the types of sessions in the symposium, as well as the draft programme. Please click here to register for the event (by 14th April) and please support us by visiting our sponsors' page, without whom we would not be able to hold this event. |