
deveniți membri asociați ALTE

ALTE Associate Membership is open to institutions or consortia which are involved in the development, application, administration or research in the field of Language Assessment. These may be companies, chains of language schools, independent language schools, universities, research institutions, public sector or government bodies, ministries, technology providers, NGOs, etc.* They are not full members, and if they produce tests, ALTE does not support the recognition of the quality of their tests and their related uses. However, Associate Members are encouraged to meet high standards of quality in language assessment. Associate Membership status was known as ‘Institutional Affiliation’ before 2021.

Organisations which only administer tests or facilitate testing on behalf of other organisations are not eligible to become Associate Members.

Benefits of becoming an Associate Member include:

  • Use of the ALTE Associate Member logo
  • Listing on the ALTE website
  • Opportunity to collaborate on projects
  • Access to sections of the ALTE website
  • Invitation to attend ALTE biannual conferences and other events organised for Members
  • Reduced delegate rates at specified ALTE events and training seminars (courses)
  • The opportunity to receive ALTE communications 
  • The opportunity to exhibit at appropriate ALTE events
  • The opportunity to work in ALTE Special Interest Groups
  • Opportunities to build international links through the ALTE network
  • The opportunity to upgrade to Full Membership at a later date, if certain conditions are met. (See 'Deveniți membru ALTE cu drepturi depline')

In order to be an Associate Member, institutions must:

a) be a legal entity which is legally registered**

b) have read and agreed to the terms of the ALTE constitution

c) have an active involvement in Language Assessment (LA) in one or more of the following areas:

  • research projects related to language assessment
  • development of standardised language tests
  • working with technologies linked to language assessment
  • development of language exams within the learning environment, including summative or formative assessment
  • providing LA training courses for teachers or students within academic programmes and according to regional or national curricula

d) aspire to meet high standards of quality and service in language testing and adhere to ALTE’s Principles of Good Practice  

The ALTE Board of Trustees reserves the right to change the criteria for membership. Associate Members will be informed at least 4 months in advance of any such changes.

** Applicants for Associate Membership should be able to provide valid evidence of their legal status, if required by the Board of Trustees. In case of legal registrations in different countries,  Applicants must communicate to ALTE the country they decide to refer on among the ones where they are legally registered.

Please note we are temporarily unable to process applications from organisations based in the Russian Federation, Belarus or Iran. 

Procedure to become an Associate Member

1. Complete the online ALTE Associate Member application form (see link at the bottom of the page), which asks you for information about your institution, its history and current interests, its work in relation to language testing, and the areas you hope to develop in the future through to your participation in ALTE.  Incomplete application forms will not be processed.

2. Associate Membership application forms are reviewed quarterly by the ALTE Secretariat and representatives from the ALTE Board of Trustees. Please submit your application by the "Closing Date for Applications" below in order to be notified whether your application has been successful by the corresponding "Date of Notification". If your application is successful, you should sign the Associate Member Agreement by the "Deadline to return Agreement" in the third column. The date and amount (either full or half - see point 4 below) of the first invoice for the subscription fee is also shown. 

Closing Date for Applications  Date of Notification

Deadline to return Agreement

Month of first invoice Amount of first invoice
30 September 2024 18 November 2024 16 December 2024 January 2025 Full amount for 2025 
31 December 2024 10 February 2025  10 March 2025 March 2025 Full amount for 2025 
31 March 202512 May 2025 9 June 2025 June 2025 Half amount for 2025 
 30 June 202511 August 2025 8 September 2025 September 2025 Half amount for 2025 
 30 September 202517 November 2025 15 December 2025 January 2026 Full amount for 2026 
 31 December 202516 February 2026 16 March 2026 March 2026 Full amount for 2026 

3. Dacă instituția dumneavoastră este acceptată de către Consiliul de Administrație, veți fi rugați să completați și să semnați Acordul de Membru Asociat ALTE. Acest lucru trebuie să se întâmple în maximum 4 săptămâni de la momentul în care vi s-a comunicat faptul că instituția a fost acceptată ca membru asociat, conform termenului limită de mai sus (coloana a treia). Dacă nu trimiteți acordul de membru asociat semnat la timp, procedura de aplicație pentru statutul de membru asociat va trebui reîncepută. Dacă doriți să examinați acordul de membru în avans, vă rugăm să contactați Secretariatul ALTE.

4. Upon receipt of the Associate Membership Agreement, duly completed and signed by the legal representative of the institution, the Secretariat will issue an invoice during the "Month of first invoice" (fourth column above) to pay the annual subscription fee. For Associate Members who are invoiced in June or later, a 'half amount' will be invoiced. Thereafter, the full subscription fee is payable at the beginning of each calendar year. The subscription fees for Associate Members depend on which payment tier your organisation falls into:

There are three payment tiers for Associate Members:

Regular: Most institutions will fall within the Regular payment tier.

Small-scale: ALTE wishes to encourage smaller institutions to take part in the life of the association, and thus has a reduced rate for institutions that fall into one of these categories:

  • you are a small independent language school (not part of a chain) in one location, OR
  • you are a small business that produces in-house assessments only for a limited number of test-takers in one location, OR
  • you are another sort of institution with a similar small scale remit

If you feel your institution should be considered in the Small-scale tier, please state this in the relevant place on the Associate Member application form, and the Board of Trustees will work with you to determine if this is the case. The Board's decision on whether you fall into the Small-scale tier is final.

National Developmental: ALTE wishes to encourage multilingualism in language testing organisations from less established public sector and governmental institutions, and thus has a reduced rate for institutions that fall into all of these categories:

  • you are a national or regional governmental Ministry of Education, or a national or regional government appointed testing body/commission (evidence should be presented) AND
  • you provide language tests for (a) national or regional language(s) of that country/region as a second or additional language AND
  • you carry out regular language testing within that country/region (at least, if not elsewhere) AND
  • you do not come from a ‘High income’ economy as defined in the most recently available World Bank Development Indicators
If you feel your institution should be considered in the National Developmental tier, please state this in the relevant place on the Associate Member application form, email with supporting documentation, and the Board of Trustees will work with you to determine if this is the case. The Board's decision on whether you fall into the National Developmental tier is final.

 Associate Member Payment Tier  2024 rates      2025 rates     







 National Developmental



 Regular (Half amount - new Associate Members invoiced in June or later in the year, for first year only)



 Small-scale (Half amount – new Associate Members invoiced in June or later in the year, for first year only)



 National Developmental (Half amount – new Associate Members invoiced in June or later in the year, for first year only)




5. Taxa anuală trebuie achitată la timp, în acord cu termenele de pe factură. Întârzierea achitării taxei poate afecta statutul de membru ALTE și/sau șansele dumneavoastră de a fi reacceptați în viitor. 

Notă: transferul statutului de membru nu este permis, în mod normal - dar vedeți Regulile de Transfer al statutului de membru.

Complete ALTE Associate Membership application form

Please note that by completing the ALTE Associate Membership application form you are agreeing for ALTE to view, use and process all data you input, which may include personal data, and for ALTE to store this data to process your application and, if your application is successful, keep on file for the duration of time that you are an ALTE Member.

 ALTE - Asociația Testatorilor de Limbi din Europa este o organizație caritabilă încorporată (CIO), înregistrată în Anglia, numărul asociației 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2025 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2025 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2025 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2025 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2025 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2025 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2025 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2025 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2025

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