
ALTE Introductory Course in Language Testing - September 2024

  • 16 Sep 2024
  • 27 Sep 2024
  • Online (Microsoft Teams)
  • 6


  • Please log in to access this special price


ALTE is organising another online session of the  ALTE Introductory Course in Language Testing which will take place from Monday 16th  September to Friday 27th  September 2024. 

The course will be presented by  Professor Anthony Green (CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire) and Jane Lloyd (Cambridge University Press and Assessment).
The course will consist of a mix of recorded lectures and downloadable exercises, alongside a 'live' element where participants meet for an hour and a half a day over the two week-period.  
The course will provide extensive opportunities for hands-on practice, including in test design, item writing, scoring and quality assurance processes. You will learn most if you prepare fully for this work.

During the course you will learn:

  • Principles that inform the decisions that individuals and organisations responsible for language assessment systems have to make about their design, content, implementation and use
  • The qualities of language assessments that contribute to their usefulness
  • Approaches to the assessment of the skills that language learners need for communicative success
  • How to connect tasks found on assessments to the tasks involved in real-world language use
  • Practical applications of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in the development and validation of assessments.

This is an intensive, full-time course that requires:

  • A minimum of four hours of independent study each day (reading, carrying out tasks, watching lectures)
  • 90 minutes of course meetings each day (discussions and group tasks)
  • All the activities of each session must be completed before the live session. Please note that the Session 1 and Session 2 pre reading and tasks must be completed prior to the live meeting on the first day.
  • A significant amount time working on course related tasks on the two weekends before the official start date and in the middle of the course.
This course is supported by the following core text: 

Green, A.B. (2020) Exploring language assessment and testing (2nd edition). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1138388789. 
The book is provided by ALTE. You can either choose a physical copy or an e-book. Information about the book will be available after you've registered. 

The book (either a physical copy or the e-book) will be delivered to you a couple of weeks ahead of the course start date. 

Once you register, we will share a detailed programme of the course. 

Additional Event Information:  

În cazul unor rezervări pentru un grup, ALTE recomandă rezervarea a maximum trei locuri per instituție. 

Payment is in full when registering. Payment can only be made online using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
If you cannot pay with a credit/debit card please contact the ALTE Services Unit: In such a case we will issue an invoice first, and only then
a bank transfer will be possible.

În cazul anulării cu până la o lună de la începerea evenimentului, se va restitui taxa întreagă, minus o taxă de administrare de €50. Dacă ați primit manualul pentru curs, nu trebuie să îl returnați dacă nu mai participați la curs. Dacă anulați participarea la curs ulterior acestei date, taxa nu poate fi restituită.

Utilizarea datelor personale

Sunt de acord ca, prin accesarea butonului 'Înscriere', datele personale pe care le includ în formularul de înscriere să fie folosite și păstrate de către personalul ALTE doar pentru scopuri legate de organizarea Cursului Introductiv ALTE de testare a limbilor.

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Please note that ALTE will never ask you to pay via a third party website.
Please avoid clicking on any links that direct you to a payment website other than WildApricot.

 ALTE - Asociația Testatorilor de Limbi din Europa este o organizație caritabilă încorporată (CIO), înregistrată în Anglia, numărul asociației 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2024 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2024 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2024 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2024 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2024 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2023 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2024 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2024 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2024

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